Argent Mid Cap ETF
We use a blend of quantitative and fundamental research to help identify good businesses undergoing positive change.
Argent Capital’s Mid Cap ETF uses a blend of quantitative and fundamental research to identify good businesses undergoing positive internal or external change. We seek to own these companies for the long term. Argent believes that companies undergoing positive change, driven either by internal or external factors, frequently experience underappreciated growth. We believe that good businesses are those that exhibit above-average profitability, generate above-average cash flow, and have management teams that are good stewards of capital.
We start with an investment universe consisting of publicly-traded U.S. stocks with market capitalizations ranging from $1.5 to $20 billion. The remaining companies are screened by our proprietary quantitative tool, The Argent Alpha Model. The Argent Alpha Model is utilized to point the team toward the right companies, in the right sectors, at the right time undergoing positive change. The resulting portfolio is highly concentrated with 35-50 stocks and exhibits high active share and low turnover.
Fund Objective
The Argent Mid Cap ETF seeks long-term capital appreciation.
Fund Documents
Fund Details
NAV and Market Price
As of Date |
09/16/2024 |
NAV is the sum of all assets less any liabilities, divided by the number of shares outstanding.
Month-End Performance
Quarter-End Performance
Performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate so shares may be worth more or less when redeemed or sold. Current performance may be lower or higher than that quoted.
Market price returns are based upon the closing composite market price and do not represent the returns you would receive if you traded shares at other times. Returns are average annualized total returns, except those for periods of less than one year, which are cumulative. YTD is year-to-date and ITD is inception-to-date.
Historical Premium / Discount
Completed Calendar Quarters of Current Year
The fund is traded at a premium if the price of the fund is trading above its NAV. Conversely, the fund is traded at a discount if the price of the fund is trading below its NAV.
Most Recent Completed Calendar Year
Fund Distributions
Fund Holdings
Fund holdings and allocations are subject to change at any time and should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security.